Well, the festival has got off to a terrific start, despite the snow. We launched on Wednesday with Billy Bragg, who drove through the blizzards to make sure he was there in Chelmsford for the event – the Bard of Barking beat the Beast from the East! Thank you Billy, and thank you to those who braved the snow to be with us.
We’re doing our utmost to ensure that most events still go ahead, although, unfortunately, we’ve had to cancel some due to the adverse weather conditions and authors not being able to get to us.
Whenever we cancel, the Mercury or Essex Book Festival will let all those who have booked in advance know, and give you as much notice as possible.
Check the website regularly for any news on events which have been cancelled so far, especially before you leave: http://bit.ly/ebf-snowmageddon
In the meantime, stay warm, stay safe.
From all at EBF HQ