After what has been a remarkable 3-month festival ‘marathon’, with events and activities taking us everywhere from Canvey Heights to Layer Marney Tower, Chelmsford Theatres to Harlow Museum, we’re finally catching our breath at the Festival HQ. But not for long!
Work is already underway for next year’s Essex Book Festival, which will be taking place between 1st-30th June in venues across Essex. If anyone has ideas of events and activities that they would like to see on the menu for 2022, please give us a shout at [email protected], and we will do our best to oblige.
Also, if anyone would like to put themselves down as one of our festival ‘Bookies’, either in the run up to the festival and or during the festival, please contact Claire: [email protected].
Take a look at the photo album from Essex Book Festival 2021
Manifesto for Essex Climate Change Youth Summit
We were thrilled by the number of young people, councillors/officers, and environmental activists/artists who gave up their Saturday to take part in our inaugural Manifesto for Essex Climate Change Youth Summit, which took place on 11th September as part of the British Science Festival hosted by Anglia Ruskin University. A mix of panel discussions, breakaway workshops, and presentations led by the young people of Essex and inspired by our Manifesto for Essex zine created by artist Lu Williams it was very heartening to be a part of an event where everybody took the time to listen to each other’s views, all with the collective aim of helping to make Essex Green-Fit by 2030.
We will be building on the success of the day by pulling together a team of inspirational young people from across the county to create the Manifesto for Essex Youth Panel. If you know any young person aged between 11-19 who might be interested in joining the panel, please contact Ros: [email protected].

Essex Book Club – Chelmsford Community Radio 104.4FM
Every second Thursday of the month between 7-8pm Essex Book Festival hosts its very own Essex Book Club Radio Show on Chelmsford Community Radio. We are always on the look out for interesting people to interview, especially if they have a story to tell about reading or writing. It might be a book that a local book club is reading, or an arts project that you are working on in the Chelmsford area, or simply a fabulous new idea to spice up the show. Whatever it is please get in touch with Ros: [email protected]

Story Hunters Flash Fiction Competition Deadline Extended to 29th October
For those of you who meant to take part in our Story Hunters Flash Fiction Competition but missed the deadline, the good news is that we have extended the deadline until 29th October. So sharpen those pencils, dust down the walking boots and get exploring some of Essex’s wonderful Heritage and Green Spaces. More information about how to enter the competition can be found here: essexbookfestival.org.uk/the-story-hunters-project/
Don’t forget to send us a photo of yourself at the destination!