What a wonderful month we had dashing around Essex hosting a myriad of fascinating events from Thurrock to Wivenhoe. We hope you had the chance to savour at least one or two of them along the way. Huge thanks to everybody who took part in this year’s festival and helped make it so special.
Photo Album for Essex Book Festival 2024
The good news is that there’s still one more event to go.

Due to the snap election, Guardian columnist John Crace was unable to do his event as planned in June. We are delighted, however, to announce that hot off the campaign trail John will now be appearing at Chelmsford Theatre Studio at 7pm on Sunday 28th July.
We can’t think of a better or more informed person to share insights into the current state of play at Westminster, and, of course, his latest book Depraved New World. Festival Director Ros Green, will be leading the questions and then swiftly throwing it open to audience members to pick John’s brain. Please note that there are limited spaces available for this event so get booking now.
Essex Book Festival heads to Somerset House
We are incredibly proud of our group of young people who since March have been attending our weekly Writing and Talking Saturday Club at Anglia Ruskin University, and who are heading off to London next weekend to exhibit their collective work – This Land: an Essex-based eco-zine and podcast) – at the National Saturday Club’s Summer Show at Somerset House. It’s not every day, that you get to show your work at one of the most prestigious galleries in the land! We wish them all the best for that.
In the words of Edmund de Waal OBE, Artists and Writer, and Trustee Saturday Club Trust. “This is the future. And it looks pretty good.”